• Diabetes
    Health Literacy

    5 Things Everyone Should Know About Diabetes

    The world faces a diabetes epidemic. Millions around the world suffer from this condition, which left untreated can lead to death. Having a solid Diabetes education can increase your chances of living a healthier and longer life. Here are five key facts and misconceptions about diabetes. 1. There are two types of Diabetes Type 1 diabetes involves genetic factors and affects just 5% of diabetics. The immune system attacks the pancreas, which is responsible for producing insulin. Insulin, in turn, helps lower blood sugar levels. Approximately 19 out of 20 diabetics have type 2 diabetes. Excessive amounts of blood sugar lead to this condition over a prolonged period of time.…

  • Ball Weights

    How to Stay Motivated to Work Out

    If staying shape were easy, everyone would have athletic bodies. The truth is, sticking to a fitness routine requires a lot of motivation. It’s easy to start out with all the intentions in the world of working out every day. However, there are all sorts of things that life can throw your way. Perhaps you have a stressful deadline at work, or you have family in town. Maybe you’re so tired at the end of the day that the last thing you want to do is get your sweat on. For some people, they just don’t want it badly enough. If you find yourself losing motivation for whatever reason, there…

  • Senior Healthcare Tech

    How Modern Rehabilitative Devices Are Helping Senior Citizens Regain Independence

    For most senior citizens, the ability to preserve their independence is imperative to their self-esteem. That is the reason you will find it difficult to convince your parents or grandparents to leave their apartments or homes and live under specialized care. They want to be able to move about on their own and take their own decisions. They refrain from asking for help or constant attention as they do not want to compromise their freedom at any cost. That poses a significant threat to their health and wellbeing. For example – over 40% of the nursing home admissions of the senior adults result from failure to take medications at the…

  • Miniature Human Face Models 3D Printed
    Medical Technology

    Beyond the Facade: 3D Printing and Anaplastology

    Famed sci-fi author and philosopher Arthur C.Clarke once famously said that “any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” This is a beautiful, thought-provoking sentiment — although, we do have to remember that magic, as awe-inspiring as it can be, is also scary. For centuries, the supernatural has made people uncomfortable. Case in point: Back when animation was primarily done on paper, without graphics processing units and animation programs running the show, cartoon characters were clearly recognizable as human, but they were also simultaneously and unambiguously nothing more than symbolic representations of humans. They were line-drawn characters with human voices, and though it requires suspension of disbelief to derive entertainment…

  • Health App Tablet
    Medical Technology

    Effectively Take Care of Your Health With Symptom Checker Apps

    Your health is important, and there are apps out there that can help you keep a closer eye. If you have any fears or questions about your health or if you are having any worrying symptoms, then you should know that there are convenient ways to check what those symptoms may mean. It goes without saying that it’s always better to seek professional medical health, but you can get a helpful insight and answer some questions answered with symptom checker apps. When I initially started looking for apps I didn’t know where to start – I only knew of one in the list. I had a bit though time browsing…