10 Facts You Didn’t Know About Your Ears
You use your ears every single day, but how much do you know about them? Having the ability to hear is something so natural that we often take it for granted, only noticing our ears when they hurt. Let’s help you learn a few fascinating facts about your ears.
1. Your ear canal grows
Did you know that your ear canal actually grows? Yes, it’s true! Every year, the skin of your ear canal grows about 1.3 inches. Imagine if it didn’t shed as dead skin; you’d have a two-foot cord hanging out of your ear by the age of 20!
2. It balances your body
Your inner ears are filled with fluid that moves around, helping to signal your brain when you’re in motion or at rest. Despite being a small organ, it’s a complex system of parts that not only enables you to hear but also allows your body to maintain balance.
3. You mean there is hair inside the ear?
Surprisingly, there are tiny hairs deep inside your ear that play a crucial role in hearing. Losing these tiny hairs means losing your sense of hearing.
4. Hearing ability is vital to maintain
Maintaining your hearing ability is crucial. The softest sound that a person with good hearing can detect measures at 0 decibels. To put it in perspective, a jet engine registers at 120 decibels, while a gunshot is around 140. Exposing yourself to 90 decibels or higher for extended periods can lead to hearing damage. Sounds louder than 140 decibels can cause immediate harm to your ears, possibly necessitating the use of hearing aids.
5. The ears are made up of tiny bones
The ears are comprised of three tiny bones that could fit on a penny. These bones, known as the incus, malleus, and stapes, with stapes being the smallest of the three.
6. Ears do not like high pressure
Ever wonder why you experience strange sensations or temporary deafness when ascending high mountains? It’s because a part of your ear called the Eustachian tube struggles to regulate ear pressure, resulting in discomfort, earaches, or dizziness.
7. Your ears never sleep
Human ears never take a break; they continue to function even while you sleep. Although the ears pick up every sound, the brain filters them out because you’re asleep.
8. Everyone has different types of earwax
Native Americans and Asians tend to have flaky and dry earwax, whereas Africans and Caucasians typically have moist, brown earwax.
9. It is the most precious sense
Out of all the five senses, hearing is the most precious because once it’s lost, you lose connection with the people you love and the world around you.
10. Ears differ in size according to gender
Surprisingly, ears differ in size based on gender. Men tend to have larger ears than women. Perhaps they need to hear things more clearly or maybe it’s just one of those quirks of nature!
Our ears, though often overlooked, play a vital role in our daily lives. From their surprising growth to their intricate inner workings, they are a marvel of nature. Understanding and appreciating these fascinating facts about our ears can lead to a greater appreciation for the precious gift of hearing. So, take a moment to appreciate your ears today—they truly are remarkable!
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