Medical Technology

Effectively Take Care of Your Health With Symptom Checker Apps

Health App Tablet

Your health is important, and there are apps out there that can help you keep a closer eye. If you have any fears or questions about your health or if you are having any worrying symptoms, then you should know that there are convenient ways to check what those symptoms may mean. It goes without saying that it’s always better to seek professional medical health, but you can get a helpful insight and answer some questions answered with symptom checker apps.

When I initially started looking for apps I didn’t know where to start – I only knew of one in the list. I had a bit though time browsing app sites and later, I stumbled upon one site that provides a top 10 list for symptom checker apps. This saved me some time discovering other apps so if you want to check it in case you find none of the below helpful, I’ll share the link.

Top Apps For Checking Your Health

I tried out a couple of other alongside the one I knew and decided to give a quick insight. So here’s my top 4.

Get a Report of Your Symptoms with WebMD

Almost everyone knows about this one. WebMD has an incredibly vast database of symptoms and illnesses and is well equipped to help you figure out what is wrong with your body. It is as simple as tapping the part of the body that is bothering you and telling the app what you are feeling. It will then give you a list of what could be wrong from most likely to least likely, and tell you what you can do to get better. WebMD also has a pill identifier to help you figure out your medications. This app really does it all! There are lots of apps out there like this, too, so make sure and check them out!

Be Aware of Your Health with Ada

Ada was developed by doctors and scientists specifically so that it can help you figure out what ails you. Whether it’s an odd pain in your chest or a new mole, Ada will be able to help you understand what is going on with your body, and suggest what you should do about it. It could be as simple as taking a quiz, and then Ada’s vast databases will give you a rundown of what the problem could be. Then it will tell you whether you should visit a doctor or try some home remedies.

Plan Your Pregnancy with Ovia Fertility Tracker & Ovulation Calculator

It might be that special time in your life when you and your partner are ready to bring a new life into the world. If that is the case, then Ovia is the perfect app for you to use to figure out if your body is as ready as your heart is. The app takes data from your daily moods and symptoms and your menstrual cycle and then tells you when you will be most likely to get pregnant.

Anonymously Check Your Symptoms with Symptomate

Symptomate asks you a series of questions first and then compares your answers to over 1,000 symptoms in their database to give you the most accurate prediction of what the problem is. It even goes so far as to tell you what may have caused your ailment, and it also suggests possible needed treatments and lab tests. Once it is done giving you your report, you can convert that report to PDF or print it out to share with your doctor.


These were my top 4 apps for checking health symptoms and I hope you find it helpful. I believe the apps can help you with getting an insight, but as stated earlier, check with your doctor to get a reliable analysis. I found the apps to be best for ensuring you don’t actually get sick in the first place. Whenever you feel an ailment creeping in, you can quickly check and hopefully, you get some insight to prevent from getting serious. Apps are great, but it’s one thing to have a gaming app and completely another an app that helps you with health issues. So yes, be responsible and remember to stay healthy.

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Charles Brown is a freelance writer and blogger. He contributes to various blogs.

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