• Addiction
    Health Literacy

    Understanding The Challenges of Cross-Addiction And How To Combat It

    When those struggling with substance abuse indulge in that addiction, their brain releases a ‘feel good’ chemical called dopamine into the synapses. Dopamine signals body that something pleasurable has happened or is about to happen. When the addicts undergo addiction treatment, they often feel a frequent sense of something missing from in their life. That missing thing is usually dopamine. To fill this emptiness, recovering addicts sometimes turn to something else, such as coffee, food, shopping, cigarettes, pills, or anything that mimics their original addiction. It is called cross-addiction In simple terms, cross-addiction means you’ve traded one addiction for another. For example, if you’re working through an alcoholism treatment program,…

  • Computer Stress Sitting Health Problems
    Health Literacy

    Social Determinants, Sitting, and How We Sacrifice Our Health for Society

    New research is showing that sitting for prolonged amounts at a time can be extremely harmful to your health. Keith Diaz, Ph.D., and her colleagues at Columbia University Medical Center in NYC, NY, found that adults in the US generally spend 12 or more hours per day sitting down, and that the more time spent sitting, the greater the risk of premature death. The research did also find, however, that moving around approximately every 30 minutes may help you live longer by reducing the harms of prolonged sitting. This echoes other studies in the vein, that are beginning to show that prolonged sitting is much more detrimental to our health…

  • Stress Work
    Mental Health

    How To Stay Healthy While Enduring Stress

    Going through stressful times is something that can not only take its toll on you emotionally but it can start to affect you in ways which eventually lead to degradation of your health.  Being stressed out is incredibly hard on your body as your muscles tense up, you are distracted and easily irritable, and you can even become depressed. In order to stay healthy when enduring stress it’s important to stay logical and try to see through the murk of emotions regardless of how challenging it can be.  Rather than allowing yourself to succumb to the stress and pressures of what comes along with going through hard times, try the…

  • Makeup Beauty

    Beauty Guide for Avoiding Common Makeup Mistakes

    Makeup is an essential tool for enhancing how you look but if you do not use it appropriately, you may end up ruining your appearance. Small steps such as choosing the right foundation and applying it properly, naturally filling in your eyebrows and washing your brushes as often as required can make a significant difference in how you feel and look when you are wearing your favorite type of makeup.

  • Woman Hair

    7 Foods That Keep Your Hair Healthy and Strong

    Hair is essentially made up of a protein known as keratin, and in order for your hair to grow long, strong and healthy, you need to make sure that you give it the right type of ‘food’. Food for your hair simply means the food that you put into your body, because it from your body that your hair will get the nourishment that it needs. Eat junk food and not only will you notice a lot more hair on your towel and pillow, but also problems related to your skin and general wellbeing. However, eat a lot more healthy foods, such as fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts and whole grains…

  • Doctor
    Health Literacy

    4 Things To Ask Yourself Before Choosing a Family Doctor

    Choosing a family doctor is something that every parent should do for the safety and well-being of their family. Having someone on hand who you can call when one of you is ill is crucial in order to keep everyone in top health. Some people make the mistake of quickly settling for the first choice for their family physician only to find that it wasn’t a good fit in the end. When you take the time to carefully weigh out all of the options and ask yourself the right questions, you will be more than pleased with the outcome. Here are the important questions to ask yourself and your family…

  • Assisted Living Seniors

    All You Need to Know About Palliative Care Services

    One should enjoy their old age in peace. Your parents must be proud of the fact that they did their best to bring you up. They educated you and your siblings. None of you missed out on the things enjoyed by other kids. You received quality healthcare when you needed it and lived in a beautiful home. Sickness Years later, a serious illness rears its ugly head. When it affects a dear parent, your reaction can have implications. You may harbor feelings of anger, fear or sadness. These are normal, and there is nothing wrong in feeling that way. Medical assistance If you get to this level, then you should…

  • Medical Doctor Law
    Health Literacy

    4 Odd But Dangerous Health Situations

    It’s often not all that difficult to tell the difference between a dangerous and a non-dangerous situation, especially when it comes to your health. However, there are times when it’s not under a person’s control how healthy a situation is, or perhaps that there is some hidden danger that they don’t know about. For instance, think about the categories of surgical malpractice, strange workplace injuries, undefined diseases that people run into, and then adult-onset mental health issues that can really strike a troubled chord into many lives in almost a sneaky way. Surgical Malpractice One of the more unusual but dangerous situations you can run into with respect to health…

  • Superhero Woman Running

    Health, Cardio, and BPM: How to Harness Rhythm for Fitness

    If there’s one thing you’ll find common among most gym-goers, new, seasoned, and everywhere in-between, is that a good majority pop in the headphones or pump the loudspeakers when they work out. While you might think this is happy coincidence, there’s good science to show that listening to music might improve your workout. In the case of running, you could see improvement up to 15 percent. Before you get too excited, realize that simply cranking the jams is not going to net automatic gains — there’s a science behind the madness, calculating beats per minute, heart rate, stride-length, and myriad other considerations. Jack Daniels and the 180 per Minute Rule…